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Create an Online Murder Mystery Game in 5 Easy Steps

Make My Murder Mystery Game

Planning a Zoom party needn't be murder

Our personalized murder mystery game generator makes it easy plan a party your guests will never forget.


Personalize your murder mystery game

Get creative and have fun with the script


Play together

Play virtually or in real life


Simple to set up. Easy to play

Fun and safe for all murderers aged 11+

Create your personalized murder mystery game

  • Create your game in less than 15 mins
  • Delivered instantly to your phone
  • Play online or in real life
Build My Personalized Murder Mystery Game

Imagine hosting an unforgettable virtual event where intrigue, suspense and unexpected twists are the main course on the menu. Unleash the Agatha Christie within you as we take a thrilling journey into the realm of mystery and suspense. This blog post will guide you through creating your own online murder mystery game in just five simple steps! Not only does this catalyze excitement, it polishes your creative skills too. Dive into this gripping world of online mysteries; no coding expertise required, just a vivid imagination and a penchant for enigma.

To create a murder mystery game online, first decide on a theme and develop character backgrounds and motives. Then, utilize virtual meeting platforms like Zoom or Skype to host the game. Finally, launch the game by setting the mood, providing instructions, and allowing private conversations through chat or breakout rooms, finishing with accusing the murderer to conclude the game. Our website provides more in-depth instructions on how to create and host an engaging online murder mystery game.

Selecting a Theme & Crafting the Mystery

When creating an engaging and immersive murder mystery game, one of the first steps is selecting a theme that will captivate your players. Think about what kind of atmosphere you want to create: do you prefer an elegant and mysterious 1920s setting, or perhaps a swashbuckling pirate adventure on the high seas? The choice is yours, but remember to consider your audience and their preferences.

Let's say you decide on a theme centered around a haunted manor. Your players will become guests at this eerie location, where dark secrets and hidden motives lie beneath the surface. The captivating theme sets the stage for a thrilling murder mystery experience.

Once you have chosen a theme, it's time to craft the mystery itself. This involves developing an intriguing plot that keeps players engaged from start to finish. Start by creating a detailed backstory for your murder victim and the potential suspects. Determine their relationships with each other and establish compelling motives that would drive someone to commit murder. Consider elements such as jealousy, love affairs, financial troubles, or hidden agendas to add depth and intrigue to your characters.

For our haunted manor theme, you could create a wealthy family dynasty with a history of scandals and betrayals. Each member of the family has their own dark secrets that make them potential suspects in the murder. By weaving together their individual stories into a complex web of relationships, you will create an immersive experience for your players.

Another crucial aspect is designing clues and evidence that will guide players towards solving the mystery. These clues could be physical objects hidden throughout the virtual space or presented as documents or testimonies. Ensure that they are logical and coherent, leading players closer to uncovering the truth while offering red herrings to keep them guessing.

Finally, consider incorporating interactive puzzles or challenges that players must solve along the way. These can add an extra layer of engagement and excitement to the game. Think about riddles, ciphers, or even a musical code that players need to decipher to unlock vital information.

Now that we have selected a captivating theme and crafted the mystery, let's move on to developing the story and characters further.

Developing Story & Characters

A murder mystery game thrives on compelling storytelling and well-developed characters. Once you have chosen your theme and established the murder scenario, it's time to delve deeper into the world you are creating.

Begin by providing each character with a detailed background, including their name, occupation, relationships, and any recent events relevant to the story. These details help players connect with their characters and immerse themselves in their roles. The more information you provide, the better equipped your players will be to embody their assigned roles during the game.

For our haunted manor theme, you could create a range of characters such as the mysterious butler with a secret past, the estranged family member seeking revenge, or the psychic who senses dark energies within the house. Each character should have unique traits and motivations that shape their actions throughout the game.

To enhance player engagement, consider assigning tasks or objectives to each character. These tasks can be independent or require collaboration with other players. Tasks can range from finding hidden clues to gathering information from other characters through conversations or interactions.

It is essential to strike a balance between providing enough information for players to engage with their characters while leaving room for improvisation and surprise. By allowing players some flexibility in how they interpret and interact with their roles, you encourage creativity and ensure that no two playthroughs of your murder mystery game are exactly alike.

With our story and characters fleshed out, it's time to turn our attention to setting up clues and establishing the murder scenario.

Setting the Clues & Murder Scenario

Imagine yourself as the mastermind behind an intriguing murder mystery game. Your first task is to set the stage for an immersive and captivating experience. This entails creating a compelling murder scenario and strategically placing clues throughout the game.

To start, consider the theme or setting of your murder mystery. Are you envisioning a classic whodunit in an elegant mansion? Or perhaps a thrilling espionage adventure set in the heart of a bustling city? Think about the atmosphere you want to create and let it guide your choices as you craft your murder scenario.

Next, develop a cast of characters, each with their own unique motives and secrets. The more diverse and dynamic your characters are, the richer the storytelling experience will be for your players. Give each character a backstory and motivation that will drive their actions throughout the game. As the game progresses, players will have to closely analyze each character's behavior and unravel their hidden agendas.

Now comes the exciting part—creating clues that lead players closer to solving the mystery. Clues can take various forms: physical objects, documents, eyewitness testimonies, or even cryptic riddles. Craft them carefully to provide just enough information without giving away the solution too easily. Scatter these clues strategically throughout the game, ensuring they are accessible but not overly obvious.

Consider including red herrings—misleading pieces of information—to challenge players and keep them on their toes. These false leads can add depth and complexity to your murder mystery, making it more engaging and thought-provoking for participants.

Remember to maintain a balance between challenge and solvability. You want your players to feel challenged by the puzzle but also satisfied when they finally piece together all the clues to unveil the killer. Test out your murder scenario with a small group of friends or colleagues beforehand to ensure that it strikes this ideal balance.

By setting up an intriguing murder scenario and carefully crafting clues that engage players' critical thinking skills, you'll create a murder mystery game that hooks participants from the start and keeps them engaged until the final reveal.

  • To create an immersive and captivating murder mystery game, consider the theme or setting, develop a diverse cast of characters with unique motives and secrets, craft clues carefully to provide just enough information without giving away the solution too easily, include red herrings to challenge players, and maintain a balance between challenge and solvability. Testing the scenario beforehand with a small group can help ensure that it strikes this ideal balance. By following these steps, you can create a murder mystery game that hooks participants from the start and keeps them engaged until the final reveal.

Choosing the Right Platform

When it comes to hosting an online murder mystery game, choosing the right platform is crucial to ensure smooth gameplay and effective coordination among players. With numerous options available, it's essential to evaluate each platform’s features and suitability for your specific game.

One popular platform choice is Zoom, a video conferencing tool that offers features like screen sharing, breakout rooms, and real-time communication. Zoom allows players to interact face-to-face (virtually) and easily share visuals such as clues, evidence, or character profiles. Its breakout room feature enables small group discussions or one-on-one interactions necessary for players to interrogate suspects or work collaboratively on solving puzzles.

Another option worth considering is Google Meet. Similar to Zoom, Google Meet provides video conferencing capabilities along with screen sharing and chat functions. It can be particularly useful if your team is already familiar with other Google productivity tools.

For those looking for a more immersive and interactive experience, specialized murder mystery platforms like "Detective Ness" or "Night of Mystery" offer comprehensive packages tailored specifically for online murder mystery games. These platforms provide pre-designed murder scenarios, character profiles, clues, and even facilitators who guide players throughout the game.

If you prefer a customizable approach where you have control over the entire game setup, online collaborative platforms like Miro, Trello, or Slack can be great options. These platforms allow you to create virtual boards, assign tasks, and facilitate collaboration among participants in real-time.

Consider the technical capabilities and accessibility of your chosen platform as well. Ensure that all participants can easily join the game without encountering major connectivity issues or compatibility problems with their devices.

By selecting a platform that aligns with your game's requirements and accommodates the needs of your participants, you'll create a seamless and engaging experience that allows everyone to immerse themselves fully in the murder mystery adventure.

Sending out Invitations & Coordinating Players

The first step in creating an online murder mystery game is to send out invitations and coordinate the players. This is where the excitement begins as you gather your friends, family, or colleagues to participate in this thrilling experience.

To start, consider the number of participants you want for your murder mystery game. It's advisable to have a group of at least five to ten players for your first game, as it allows for more interaction and engagement among the participants. Once you have determined the number of players, you can then proceed to send out invitations.

Sending out invitations can be done through various means such as email, social media platforms, or even traditional paper invitations if you prefer a more tangible approach. Include all relevant details such as the date, time, and platform (Zoom, Skype, Google Meet) on which the game will take place. It's important to specify whether costumes or props are required to enhance the experience.

Let's say you're hosting a murder mystery party with a 1920s theme. You can write enticing invitations that transport your guests to the glamorous world of flappers and gangsters. "You are cordially invited to The Great Gatsby Gala: A Night of Mystery and Intrigue! Join us on [date and time] for an unforgettable evening filled with secrets, scandal, and suspense. Don your finest 1920s attire as we unravel a dastardly crime together."

Coordinating players is another aspect to consider during this stage. As people join the game, keep an accurate guest list to ensure everyone is accounted for. Additionally, when scheduling the event, take into account different time zones if participants are located across various regions.

With your invitations sent out and your players coordinated, it's time to move on to the next step: Role Assignment & Advance Preparation.

Role Assignment & Advance Preparation

Now that you have your players ready to embark on this thrilling adventure, it's time to assign roles and engage in advance preparation. This step is vital for setting the stage, enabling participants to fully immerse themselves in their characters and the storyline.

Start by assigning each player a specific character role. Develop character basics such as names, surnames, job/role, and a brief background. Each character should have a motive for committing the murder, whether it be love, jealousy, money, or protecting a friend. Create connections between the characters by moving character cards around and establishing shared knowledge among them.

Think of this process like preparing for a theatrical production. Each player becomes an actor who embodies their role to bring the story to life.

Next, provide each player with an introduction, background information, recent events, and tasks to complete throughout the game. These details will allow them to fully understand their character's motivations and actions within the narrative.

To add excitement and engagement to the online game, consider incorporating clues, riddles, or even a musical code game that players need to decipher. This interactive element will heighten the suspense and challenge participants as they navigate through the mystery.

As the host, take time beforehand to familiarize yourself with all the characters' roles and backstories. Anticipate potential questions or scenarios that may arise during gameplay so you can better guide and facilitate the experience for everyone involved.

With role assignments completed and advance preparation in place, we are now ready to move on to guiding gameplay and eventually revealing the thrilling ending of your online murder mystery party.

Guiding Gameplay & Ending Reveal

Guiding the gameplay and orchestrating the grand reveal of the murderer is a crucial aspect of creating an engaging and thrilling murder mystery game. In this section, we will explore key strategies to guide the flow of gameplay and build anticipation leading up to the revelation of the killer. Let's step into the shoes of a seasoned game creator as we delve into these important aspects.

First and foremost, it is essential to create a clear structure for the gameplay. Designate specific phases or rounds where players can gather clues, interact with each other, and carry out their investigations. This structure provides a rhythm to the game, allowing participants to engage actively and stay invested in the unfolding mystery. For example, you can have an initial information-gathering phase where characters introduce themselves and establish connections, followed by multiple rounds of clue discovery, discussions, and interactions.

To further enhance engagement, consider incorporating mini-games or challenges within your murder mystery game. These activities can provide additional clues or rewards that help move the story forward. For instance, you could create riddles or puzzles that players need to solve collectively to unlock vital information. These interactive elements not only add excitement but also encourage collaboration among participants.

Let's imagine a murder mystery game set in a Victorian mansion. As players explore different rooms and uncover clues about potential suspects, they come across a locked box with symbols engraved on its surface. To progress further in the game, players must work together to decipher the symbols using hints scattered throughout the mansion.

As gameplay progresses, it becomes crucial to drop subtle hints and red herrings that keep participants engaged while maintaining an air of suspense. Cleverly placed clues can point them towards possible suspects or motives without giving away too much information. Balancing these clues is imperative for a challenging yet solvable puzzle that keeps players motivated to uncover the truth.

Once all the necessary clues have been discovered and discussions among players have taken place, it's time for the highly anticipated ending reveal. This is the moment where the game creator unveils the identity of the murderer and ties up all loose ends. The reveal should be well-crafted and satisfying, providing closure to the storyline while validating players' deductions and investigative efforts.

A memorable ending reveal seamlessly connects all the dots and clarifies any lingering questions or uncertainties. It should evoke a sense of surprise, satisfaction, or even shock among the participants. Achieving this requires careful planning and attention to detail throughout the game development process.

To ensure a successful ending reveal, consider staging it with dramatic flair. Engage in theatrical storytelling as you narrate how events unfolded, connecting each clue and character motive in a way that builds suspense until the final revelation. Encourage players to share their theories and engage in lively discussion during this climactic stage to heighten anticipation.

Creating an online murder mystery game not only allows for an exciting social gathering but also provides a unique opportunity to engage participants in an immersive narrative experience. By guiding gameplay effectively, dropping hints strategically, and orchestrating a thrilling ending reveal, you can craft an unforgettable murder mystery adventure that captivates players from start to finish.

Play online or in real life murder mystery game

Play at a whodunnit dinner party with friends – or on Zoom, Facetime or Hangouts.


Murder Mystery Dinner Party

Host a murder mystery party your friends will love


Family Get-together

Nothing unites a family like murder!


Play over video

Play online or in real life

Create your personalized murder mystery game

  • Create your game in less than 15 mins
  • Delivered instantly to your phone
  • Play online or in-person
Make My Murder Mystery Game

“It was so much fun and easy for people to get involved. A really brilliant murder mystery story!”

Nick T

“Everyone was engaged from the start and threw themselves into solving the murder. The event was great fun – and brilliant value for money.”

Bryn J

“Hilarious! Played over Zoom, in 6 locations, including 2 countries. Even our 78 year old mother managed it!”

Joseph H

“A great night with friends! Will definitely be going with these guys again!”

Tori K

Play online or in-person

Play on Zoom or get together in real life

Create your own murder mystery

Customize your game script

Quick and simple to build

Only takes 15 mins to create

Add your own characters

Use real names or make them up

Play on your phone

Or print out the PDF script

Fun for everyone

Detectives aged 11+

Whodunnit game night

A murder mystery game to play with friends

Crime solving game

Use your detective skills

Create your personalized murder mystery game

  • Create a customised murder mystery script in less than 15 mins
  • Perfect for dinner parties and virtual team building
  • Play on screens or print out the PDF scripts
Make My Murder Mystery Game

Create a personalized murder mystery game

  • Create your game in less than 15 mins
  • Delivered instantly to your phone
  • Play online or in real life
Build My Personalized Murder Mystery Game